WestlawNext Canada insight Blog

Phrase of the Week | May Be Interested

May Be Interested 


Adams Estate v. Staples | 2018 SKQB 245 | Saskatchewan Court of Queen's Bench  

[The judge] must consider whether [the plaintiff] has standing to bring an application under Rule 16-46 [of the Queen's Bench Rules], to require proof of the will in solemn form, or for an order revoking the grant of probate under Rule 16-47.
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Rule 16-46 ... permits an application by any person who “... is or may be interested in the estate.”
The grammatical and ordinary meaning of the word “may” in Rule 16-46 connotes possibility ... the use of the phrase “may be interested” means that a person does not have to establish a definite interest in the estate to establish standing. A possible interest, within the context of the applicable law and the specific factual circumstances, is enough to ground standing.
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